a z u b e c. Com

    Company Information

Company Information

azubec.com Company Information
Stand: 06.05.2015

Company Information

Represented by: Mr.f.ogbenna

Director:Mr. f. ogbenna

Asst.Director:Mrs. C. ogbenna

Business Addresses:

Beusselstr.straße 65
D-10553 Berlin, Germany.
custemer service, Berlin, Germany:+49 0514444 7500 ( Mo-Fr 8-20 Hrs)

N0.233 str.Aso Rock, Buchnow
Lagos, Nigeria.
customer service Lagos-Nigeria: +234 219 12 30 ( Mo-Fr 8-20 Hrs)

Technical Cordinator: mr.oooP. e-mail- oooP@azubec.com
Customer Relations:
Research & Development:
Carrier & Education:
Press Release:
Protocol Cordinator:
Registered in : Berlin, HRB.......

USt-IdNr: DE.........


custemer service Germany/Deutschland: +49 4444 7500
customer service Lagos-Nigeria: +234 219 12 30
( Mo-Fr 8-20 Hrs/Uhr)

Legal Information:

Responsibility for our legality is under- i.S.d. § 55 RStV: .............. Berlin

Do you have a question/s that can help us improve our services?

let us know, send us E-Mail to the folowing Adresse:
info@azubec.com or call us :+49 5555555555, +23455555555

Receiver:Tago Bank
Acc No.: 101 50 398
Route: 700 131 00
IBAN: DE60 7001 3100 0010 1503 98